Patrick Zhang

Patrick is a Top Seller of all known eCommerce platform, Amazon, eBay, Aliexpress, Wish, Walmart, Lazada, Shopee, etc.
He earned his Ph.D. of Computer Science from University of Massachusetts, USA. He worked for 3 years in Microsoft USA and 1 year in Amazon-USA as software engineer and data mining engineer.
In 2013, he returned to China to start an e-commerce company - StarMerx. Presently, has monthly sales of more than 10 million dollars. By the end of 2016, the company got financing of RMB45 million.
Patrick will be gracing the Fourth Annual Cross Border Summit with his presence. That will be happening on Oct. 22-23, 2019 in Guangzhou, China.
If you want to catch more of Patrick and his success story, join the Cross Border Summit!
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