Ricardo Li

Ricardo, being the former director of eBay Shenzhen, has abundant international e-commerce experience and is a renowned expert in the cross-border e-commerce industry in China. He has experience selling “both ways” both in China and abroad via a wide range of e-commerce platforms.
While in eBay, he initiated the company’s BD infrastructure which generated an exceptional performance. It was for this reason that he was branded as “Father of BD in eBay” by the CEO and also became a member of the “Club Excellence” still in eBay.
Even prior to working in eBay, Ricardo is already regarded as an expert with his perspective on network and E-commerce that is highly acknowledged by the industry.
With his expertise and knowledge, he will truly be a great part of the amazing lineup of speakers in the Fourth Annual Cross Border Summit on Oct. 22 - 23, 2019 in Guangzhou, China.
Join the summit for an opportunity to exchange ideas with Ricardo and other business enthusiasts and experts!
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